Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Does my resemblance match my previous one?
Only other people change
I don’t
I take cars places only to return by foot
I take care in my
belief that things return themselves to things themselves
and for the magazines to say that the latest model is perfect and profound
is irritating
For I’ve designed it
my big bureaucracy finding itself not sufficient
and a I
a big joke and
a big government increasing elder care and abuse profoundly
in the retirement homes
next to gorgeous brooks
babbling like television talk shows
like wheel chair blues churning
powered by pills and free will
turned by the loss of the family farm into
walmart coffee shop oil change parking lots
I wish someone would take up where they left off
the sting of resentment in the dull drums of retirement
a great silence at a church pot luck
who stole the offering plates?
Who placed dollar signs beneath christ our lord?

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