Monday, May 18, 2009


Houses like this choose to wear
Either way suits us and or all of us

They want it

The house
Worn or not worn

“it” as in the tenants

Covered slithering smooth

The tenants are bound to be


Imagine a tenant such as yourself without house but with poem

Aloof under
singing in the shower

Worn inside out or like slippers and robe in the gorgeous yard
With Easter lilies
Beat by Bubbles and stones thrown at siding

Family forlorn with like lost pets

Monday, May 4, 2009


Juniper junking midday

Jasper in the well


Words explain to me how Humboldt cut

Fade in with

bearded men in desperation

log me too


before I become relentless

his oxygen bottle breaths and stretches

the magnetic crane clamps up the steal


I enjoy how it separates the metals from each other

The aluminum left below

The trailer left on the ground